From Mope to Hope: An Incomplete Action List to Save America

Joe Goldman
5 min readJun 29, 2018


Because this flag belongs to us, too. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

The past few weeks have particularly been devastating for all of us who believe in an America in which its diversity and liberal democracy are its biggest strengths. From Justice Kennedy’s retirement announcement to our continued internment, abuse, and separation of asylum seeking families alongside blatant racist and fascist authoritarianism from Trump and the GOP, living in the Upside Down is unbearable.

Though I’m displeased with how Obama and the Democrats handled Merrick Garland in 2016 (and building out the Democratic Party in general), I agree with our former POTUS when he says “enough moping.” And as much as there are many incredible advocacy, legal, and direct service organizations that need our support alongside the fact that there definitely is a time and place for us to march in the streets because we’re mad as hell, significant political reinforcements are needed. NOW.

FLIPPING CONGRESS MUST BE OUR #1 PRIORITY. These are political problems and they can only be met through political solutions. The likelihood of school shootings continuing unabated, access to safe and legal abortion destroyed, and endless family separation will continue no matter how much we support our favorite nonprofits.

After several people reached out to me for advice on what they can do in these dark times, I decided to compile a living resource document of actions — voting, donating, and volunteering — so people have tools available to make the biggest difference they can in the 2018 Midterm Election.


Unless you’re a rich white heterosexual Christian cisgender male who is also a bigot*, vote because your life depends on it.

CONFIRM YOUR VOTING REGISTRATION: Visit to register or confirm. Then make sure that everyone you know who can vote is registered. Trump won the Electoral College by only 80,000 votes. Blue state, red state, it doesn’t matter. Our country’s future is at stake. Raise the alarm.




It’s no secret that political change requires money. Whether you max out or make a one-time $5 gift, every donation goes a very long way!

National Campaign Arms

  1. Red-to-Blue House Campaigns: You can easily donate directly to candidates in districts all over the country using this DCCC tool; money does not go directly to the DCCC.
  2. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee: From Tammy Baldwin to Claire McCaskill, there are vulnerable Democrats of multiple stripes who need our help. Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good in our fight to save democracy as some states can have more outwardly progressive champions than others.
  3. Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee: There are currently 32 state legislatures controlled by the GOP and only 14 controlled by the Democrats; the others are split. Care about safeguarding abortion, LGBT equality, voting rights, and pretty much everything else? Care about how Congressional districts are drawn? Especially with a right-wing SCOTUS, we have to flip more state houses. ASAP.
  4. Democratic Governors Association: With exciting candidates like Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Lupe Valdez in Texas, we need to do all that we can to take back the governors mansions, 33 of which are controlled by the GOP today.

Political Action Committees

Have a cause you’re particularly passionate about? Chances are there’s an issue-related PAC that gives directly to candidates you want to support. It’s like combining your favorite nonprofit advocacy group with empowering candidates who will help you sleep at night. Repeat after me: NOT ALL PACS ARE EVIL! Here are some examples:

  1. Foreign Policy: J Street PAC is the largest pro-Israel PAC (despite its name, the other organization you’re thinking of isn’t a PAC and has lay leaders raise money for candidates separately so the FEC can’t directly track its influence, and it refuses to address harmful Israeli policies) that’s doing its part to flip Congress in the name of pro-Israel, pro-two-state-solution foreign policy. I donate through J Street PAC whenever possible to ensure that it has greater leverage to hold members of Congress accountable down the road.
  2. LGBT Equality: Human Rights Campaign, LPAC, Victory Fund, and Pride Fund to End Gun Violence
  3. Gun Control: Giffords Courage to End Gun Violence (no direct candidate donations)
  4. Freedom of Choice: NARAL Pro-Choice America, EMILY’s List, and Planned Parenthood Action (though I can’t find a PPAct option for direct candidate donations)
  5. Environment: Give Green, a collaboration between the League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund, NextGen America, and the NRDC Action Fund PAC
  6. Voting Rights: Let America Vote (no direct candidate donations)
  7. Progressive Agenda: Bend the Arc Jewish Action PAC, The Collective PAC, Latino Victory Fund, Feminist Majority PAC, AAPI Victory Fund, Onward Together (GOTV & supporting many groups listed here, but no direct candidate support)**


As much as money is super important to fund campaigns, those campaigns also need people power. Whether it’s a one-off hour on a weekend or every day through Election Day, campaigns need you to take them across the finish line by phone banking, knocking on doors, and more!

  1. Mobilize America connects volunteers with Democratic campaigns nationwide
  2. Use Swing Left to find your closest swing district campaign
  3. Contact your state Democratic Party to find the closest headquarters so you can phone bank and knock on doors
  4. Many of the PACs listed above also mobilize volunteers for particular campaigns. Contact them!
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Some Final Notes on Being the Blue Wave

Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good. We need progressives, moderates, and all people who believe in the norms of liberal democracy that is the foundation of the country in which we want to live. The Bernie-vs-Hillary divide persists, but we have to keep our eyes on the prize: America.

For example, while we rightly kvell over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s inspiring primary victory, my friends in NYC need to double-down their support for Max Rose’s campaign in Brooklyn and Staten Island to flip the last Republican district in the city. Without post-primary moderate candidates who have proven competitive in these swing districts, Ocasio-Cortez’s vision for America goes nowhere.

Together, we will be the blue wave that saves America!

*I know that I’m using harsh language, but before getting upset, I urge you to consider how it feels to the majority of Americans who have skin in the game. For example, as a gay man, I don’t care how nice someone is to my face and others around them: if they’re okay having Trump and the GOP in office, it means they are okay having people who want to do harm to me by way of employment, housing, and education discrimination, deny me hate crimes protections, as well as use a conservative SCOTUS to rescind my right to marry the person I love. And if that’s not bigoted, I don’t know what is.

**Please let me know if there are any economic justice/union PACs you know of that non-members can support!



Joe Goldman
Joe Goldman

Written by Joe Goldman

Social justice advocate, proud LA native and resident by way of SF and DC

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